Swell Of the Tide
The tide rolls in
all around her.
She is weightless.
She floats, her
head only just
above the safe line.
Breathing In
the salt water
she allows it
to cleanse
her soul
which is so
so hurt.
Multifaceted and enduring
yet encased...locked....is a corner..
Wanting something
that is past
that is gone.
She lives above water
clinging to the
other parts
of her
fragmented enclosure
which prevent
her from being
swept up in the
swell of the tide.
all around her.
She is weightless.
She floats, her
head only just
above the safe line.
Breathing In
the salt water
she allows it
to cleanse
her soul
which is so
so hurt.
Multifaceted and enduring
yet encased...locked....is a corner..
Wanting something
that is past
that is gone.
She lives above water
clinging to the
other parts
of her
fragmented enclosure
which prevent
her from being
swept up in the
swell of the tide.
At Tuesday, December 19, 2006 4:52:00 PM,
isay said…
nice poem!
....thank you....
At Tuesday, December 19, 2006 7:01:00 PM,
Jeanne said…
Now I could open it. Please say if you got my letter. I'll resend it otherwise.
At Tuesday, December 19, 2006 11:30:00 PM,
Cie Cheesemeister said…
That's beautiful!
I love the ocean, but unfortunately I don't live anywhere near one. Even when I'm sad, the ocean brings comfort.
At Wednesday, December 20, 2006 10:14:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
katharsis seems to be a recurring theme (or goal) in your writings, consise. I hope you ultimately find it, and rebirth as well. wasn't Thales the one who said everything was made of water, too? it's a generative force, undoubtedly.
i know i haven't written much in response to your writing, but I have kept you in mind always, and read when I can. I hope you know that.
At Thursday, December 21, 2006 10:10:00 AM,
consise10 said…
Hey Isay thanks for reading. :-))
Cheesemeister I also live not near the ocean..but not so far from it either.As greyor quoted water in abundance like the ocean is catharsis. Thanks for dropping in :-))
Greyor I understand you have a great academic life with university and other things happening as we all are busy with our personal/work and life commitments.Thankyou for reading and offering your comments.I do appreciate that Greyor and have a fantastic Xmas.
jeanne I have not yet received an email from you.Maybe you are not aware that my email address has changed.The link is on my bloger front page. This is the new addy now :
Ill be looking forward to hearing from you jeanne.
At Sunday, December 24, 2006 4:30:00 AM,
Fred said…
Happy Holidays, Consise. Enjoy!
At Sunday, December 24, 2006 3:15:00 PM,
consise10 said…
Hey Fred...same goes out to you and your lovely family all the way from the burning smokey continent in the southern hemisphere Australia! Thanks for dropping in ! :=))
At Wednesday, December 27, 2006 6:44:00 PM,
consise10 said…
Hello quang,blogging is an interesting place where people can connect through words..although this place here is not some where that begs for an audience..The people that visit and show in terest have been doing so for a long while and i guess they feel something with the poems/writing so they are drawn back. I also like to visit their blogs as Im too interested in what they each present....the internet is the most widest of audience you can receive....good luck with yours...i'm curious now to visit...thanks for dropping by and for your comment...take care (:-))
At Thursday, December 28, 2006 8:57:00 AM,
Autumn Storm said…
Beautifully expressed as always, D.
Hope you had a lovely Christmas!
At Thursday, December 28, 2006 12:24:00 PM,
Tim Rice said…
Just stopping by to say, Hi! Hope you have a great New Year in 2007.
At Thursday, December 28, 2006 5:38:00 PM,
consise10 said…
Thankyou autumn..it was a nice one..how about yours?
Thanks Tim..to you aswell :-)
At Friday, December 29, 2006 4:04:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
I came, I read and I felt your pain.
I hope that the New Year brings you peace and happiness.
At Saturday, December 30, 2006 6:05:00 PM,
consise10 said…
Thankyou canadian dude,thankyou. Happy New Year to you too.
At Sunday, December 31, 2006 5:10:00 AM,
Silvergirl said…
Hi! I just dropped in to see how you are doing, and I wanted to wish you a Happy Holidays as well.
Your poetry is haunting. I hope you are well.
At Monday, January 01, 2007 8:04:00 AM,
Autumn Storm said…
Good thanks. :-)
D, I hope that 2007 brings you peace and happiness, love to you and yours, xo
At Tuesday, January 09, 2007 3:38:00 AM,
consise10 said…
Thankyou silvergirl..:-]
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