My head Is aching.At times its so difficult to escape these thoughts and break through this enclosure.I hear people speak and I know they mean well but to listen and act on what others are saying is just too complicated when im this state. A state of barroness on cold dirt..an absolute nothingness....No physical No mental no emotional just a big ditch of nothing.
With the rising sunshine im out for a jog.. I regain sense of my breathing..and back into life.Thoughts swirl around my mind with every step and every beat i feel within the cage of my heart. Still fresh from the nights tortures I'm in desperate need to rid my self of this heaviness and in side my mind I see what matters...it is kindness..what we share in the quieter moments what you wisper to me when i drop in the sheets. You keep me from the shell closing in around me.When It feels as though the dirt In that ditch has no life you come along and water it with a simple warm touch and welcoming words.The earth beneath flourishes with life and beauty and hence the ability to feel and sense returns.
With the rising sunshine im out for a jog.. I regain sense of my breathing..and back into life.Thoughts swirl around my mind with every step and every beat i feel within the cage of my heart. Still fresh from the nights tortures I'm in desperate need to rid my self of this heaviness and in side my mind I see what matters...it is kindness..what we share in the quieter moments what you wisper to me when i drop in the sheets. You keep me from the shell closing in around me.When It feels as though the dirt In that ditch has no life you come along and water it with a simple warm touch and welcoming words.The earth beneath flourishes with life and beauty and hence the ability to feel and sense returns.
At Wednesday, October 04, 2006 2:14:00 PM,
Autumn Storm said…
Just feel like listening to this one and not writing any kind of comment.
I will say this, and I'm using an analogy I read on another blog, badly paraphrazed though it is - even the darkest room can be negotiated with light from a single candle, you just have to take it with you wherever you go.
At Thursday, October 05, 2006 10:05:00 AM,
Tim Rice said…
Kindness is what makes the world go round. We all need to receive kindness and to give kindness. I like your thinking there.
At Thursday, October 05, 2006 7:01:00 PM,
consise10 said…
Autumn...what a challenge it would be to illuminate that room...I dont think I could do it.. some how the darkness is comforting..Do you know what I mean ?
Yes Tim,kindness is what shines through and for me personally It's something which assists in pulling through these darker moments.
At Monday, October 09, 2006 5:31:00 AM,
SuperP. said…
It is good to have a safe source of love from which to draw comfort and rejuvenation.
At Monday, October 09, 2006 7:52:00 AM,
Autumn Storm said…
I do. I was there for a long time, it's nice and safe, no surprises. Only thing is, and I know you know this, is that no matter how much it seems like the perfect place, somewhere deep inside, whether one wants to acknowledge or not, the truth always resides. Light is the only place to really 'be'.
At Tuesday, October 10, 2006 5:47:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
entrapment becomes comforting when you have lived there for long time.
Great piece of expression consise.
At Tuesday, October 10, 2006 8:33:00 PM,
consise10 said…
You are right Autumn, but the process of illumination is too daunting.
Yes Penny It is comforting.
Heather, thanks for dropping by.
At Thursday, October 12, 2006 2:27:00 AM,
Van Cong Tu said…
My first trip to Melbourne was autumn, the weather driven me crazy but I love the scenery of Melbourne and Bright's an amazing place
At Thursday, October 12, 2006 2:36:00 PM,
consise10 said…
Bright Is a majestic place, truly breathtaking.There are many places like that down here.Im laughing about your weather comment because its often a source of peoples frustration and today belive it or not is stinking hot with dirty horrid north winds,which cause every ones 'hay fever' to inflame!
Thanks for droping By GodKnows and It is only God who really knows! I love that name/nic.
At Friday, October 13, 2006 1:00:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
many people can't even take their own advice. i know i'm guilty of that at times.... so it's not too out of the ordinary for it to be difficult to internalise and put into action advice given to you by others. it'll come in time.
sunshine is good. you need to spend some time staring at the aether above ;) chthonic beauty as well as ouranian! i've missed reading your posts, consise. keep them up... and thank you for being so sweet as to come by mine once in awhile.
At Friday, October 13, 2006 7:28:00 PM,
consise10 said…
Watching the 'ouranion' as you so eloquently put it greyor is to appreciate whats above and all around us. In essence flying high above and seeing the world from a birds perspective gives us a greater sphere of the over all view which we dont have from ground level.
On another level the contstantly changing 'face' of the ouranion could parallel a vulnerability which is found deep within our inner being.
You give such interesting perspective Greyor and I will always return to your space just to catch up on your often lenghthy descriptors of what Is going on in your academic and personal world.
Thanks for dropping by mate [:-)
At Sunday, October 15, 2006 8:26:00 AM,
Fred said…
What Tim said.
Hope all is well with you - have a great weekend!
At Sunday, October 15, 2006 11:38:00 AM,
consise10 said…
Thankyou Freddy, hope your weekend is greater!
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