Sunday, March 04, 2007

About me..

All my life is on me now, and here's another speech you wish I would swallow..another cue for you to fold your arms and block your ears. Another train of thought too difficult to follow....I bury secrets under my skin and they are there constantly burning me ever so slowly from beneath, so scratch me out of you until I bleed...It's nothing to me...dont worry, I have felt worse pain.Fuck... regret my own existance. Its hard enough being civil to my self and at times I take the blade so sharp but scare away because Of the little pure hearts that stare at me each and every day.They dont deserve what I am. Pain is evident in my existance...im lying limp in side my own hand, the hand which configures to a fist and pounces upon my soul....but I cant feel it any more ..its just numb.


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