I have alot on my mind and feel chained by the heaviness of what i know. Is there any way to free my mind of such axes which make me all aware to the point of madness ?
As i sit here and continue to ponder on my life and all that I have done so far I ask myself the question, to who has it been beneficial ? While i serve as a participant in this world have I done any good ? Im not talking about crusades here, just what I have done. I represent the worse kind of human beings all in the name of 'justice'. The victims are often left out wet and cold with the pain caused by the sorts I represent. I dont see that as entirely noteworthy, yet its what I do.
In my personal self I struggle with issues concerning my own behaviour towards my marital union with Troy. Although things are looking back on track with us I suffer from feeling like im two personas in some sense.I continue to reflect on what i did during that rather angry time . I wish I didnt do it ! why was i not strong enough to say no ? I am so resolute in many ways on many issues I know where i stand and what to say and do very well yet unable to reject what I instantly knew would kill me deep inside. The duality in my nature is some thing I struggle to accept and understand.
In my darkest hour I feel like im just differing shades of grey, and at worse times dead. Without my children I often question what would be left for me in this realm ? They have an incredible ability to bring out a side in me which reflects positivity and meaning. My mind ponders whether or not God resides in them ? Perhaps this is Gods way of getting through to me.
As i sit here and continue to ponder on my life and all that I have done so far I ask myself the question, to who has it been beneficial ? While i serve as a participant in this world have I done any good ? Im not talking about crusades here, just what I have done. I represent the worse kind of human beings all in the name of 'justice'. The victims are often left out wet and cold with the pain caused by the sorts I represent. I dont see that as entirely noteworthy, yet its what I do.
In my personal self I struggle with issues concerning my own behaviour towards my marital union with Troy. Although things are looking back on track with us I suffer from feeling like im two personas in some sense.I continue to reflect on what i did during that rather angry time . I wish I didnt do it ! why was i not strong enough to say no ? I am so resolute in many ways on many issues I know where i stand and what to say and do very well yet unable to reject what I instantly knew would kill me deep inside. The duality in my nature is some thing I struggle to accept and understand.
In my darkest hour I feel like im just differing shades of grey, and at worse times dead. Without my children I often question what would be left for me in this realm ? They have an incredible ability to bring out a side in me which reflects positivity and meaning. My mind ponders whether or not God resides in them ? Perhaps this is Gods way of getting through to me.
At Monday, September 26, 2005 9:45:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
I hope you know you can call me any time of the night!
At Tuesday, September 27, 2005 10:51:00 AM,
consise10 said…
Where would I be without you MJ ? Thankyou, and yes I do know that.
At Tuesday, September 27, 2005 5:10:00 PM,
consise10 said…
Ha ha I sure would welcome such a force let me tell you! thanks for making me giggle lateralbuzz !
At Tuesday, September 27, 2005 6:42:00 PM,
consise10 said…
Now that comment has just given me a 'lateral buzz'. Thanks mate!
At Wednesday, September 28, 2005 2:56:00 AM,
BlindSlim~CSTL said…
Well the post was serious but the comments just cracked me up. Sorry I have no advice but I'm laughing too hard.
At Wednesday, September 28, 2005 9:09:00 AM,
becky said…
I'm impressed (i have created my own blog)
At Wednesday, September 28, 2005 9:18:00 AM,
freesprited said…
I read your posts and I can only imagine how hard things are for you.
It must be very hard when you love some one with sexual addiction. How do you know they love you and are not just addicted to the physical act when they are with you?
and the job that you do isn't that lite on your concience.
In those moments of dispare its good to go and pray, pray for peace of mind.
And its good that you have your children... and you see god in them.
don't beat your self up for things that you have done cos they cannot
be undone.
I too feel that life is shades of grey, but i have found that the saying "this too shall pass", is true. Hang in there, cos tomorrow won't be so bad.
with regards
At Wednesday, September 28, 2005 9:55:00 AM,
consise10 said…
Hello Colleen.
You seem to have an incredible knack to get to the heart of an issue with your perceptions and words.
Your commentary on my blog is very welcomed and appreciated. The thought you put into your replies show a person who is deeply caring in my opinion, and I look forward to reading your words in my blog. They provide impetus for getting me to see things in a differing light which can only help.
Thankyou again Colleen.
At Wednesday, September 28, 2005 10:11:00 AM,
consise10 said…
My mum also has said throughout my life when I have had personal dillemas (which she has known about) the comment "it will pass" which was comforting from her.
It`s definately true that you
cannot undo what`s been done, and yet its so very difficult to overcome and see that "it will pass" especially when you are feeling in such a pensive mood. As you have observed my children serve as my tonic here and help to drag me often back to a healthy reality .
I really thank you {fellow Aussie too) for your interest in my blog and comments. Please feel welcomed here again.
At Wednesday, September 28, 2005 10:37:00 AM,
consise10 said…
Hello Becky. Thanks for visiting. I`ll have to go and check out yours soon.
Blindslim, atleast you are laughing ! It`s great therapy don`t you think ?
At Friday, September 30, 2005 5:30:00 AM,
charles blunt said…
Hi I am really glad you like my blog and am happy that you stop in now and then . As to your interest in a replica of the first Porsche I am sorry to say I can't help you .I make all my models from plans which I find in model books .I found out the first Porsche was made in 1948 but can not find any plans or even any real good pictures .If I should find any info an decide I can make one I will let you know .Till then I will keep visiting your blog and hope you stop in to mine .Thanks for your interest .
At Friday, September 30, 2005 5:49:00 AM,
charles blunt said…
Its me again I just realized your last posting was on my anniversery . 44 years .
At Friday, September 30, 2005 8:48:00 PM,
consise10 said…
Congratulations to Charles and partner !
Happy 44th Anniversary
WOW!!! Now thats a great milestone!
Well done both of you !
The Porche 911 is actually my dream car. Thanks for visiting again .
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