Met "Russel" a man today that I`ve had previous dealings with through work association, and always thought he was rather an 'aggressive' type.
He is a man with a rather jaded past I`m led to believe from others who also know him, but only through work connection. He has been a client of ours for over 2 years now, but my connection to him has only been through communications in say the last 7 or eight months.
My impressions of him were not very fancy as to his overall appearance being one of a rather destitute, disabled man who uses a walking stick...and rarely showers.
Today that all changed as we had a meeting in my office first to discuss stategy and later went out to lunch in Melbourne where he told me "his story".
A rather sad one of a man who was born with cerebal palsy and couldn`t speak nor communicate before age 9. At the age of 9 he began in the marshall arts world learning various techniques to self defence and self control. He said he owes his life to his teachers who continue to guide him.
However such allegances have gotten him into great strife with law. which he has been involved with violence, toward another fellow man...on opposite sides of gang worlds.
My immediate reaction to him and I going for lunch, was of great hesitation and releuctance..but I saw in his eyes a person who needed the company of a woman...who wasn`t going to judge..and I felt he needeed this time, and it may assist in my building a more accurate picture of his character for his defence.
His eyes were very telling and suggestive of a lonely and gentle person craving affection yet recieving anything but that throughout his life. Today I have not judged a person by the facts at hand to present a case but feel I have crossed the line and sensed something which cannot be easily put in his defence...nor used for his advantage..
A dilemma has been born.
He is a man with a rather jaded past I`m led to believe from others who also know him, but only through work connection. He has been a client of ours for over 2 years now, but my connection to him has only been through communications in say the last 7 or eight months.
My impressions of him were not very fancy as to his overall appearance being one of a rather destitute, disabled man who uses a walking stick...and rarely showers.
Today that all changed as we had a meeting in my office first to discuss stategy and later went out to lunch in Melbourne where he told me "his story".
A rather sad one of a man who was born with cerebal palsy and couldn`t speak nor communicate before age 9. At the age of 9 he began in the marshall arts world learning various techniques to self defence and self control. He said he owes his life to his teachers who continue to guide him.
However such allegances have gotten him into great strife with law. which he has been involved with violence, toward another fellow man...on opposite sides of gang worlds.
My immediate reaction to him and I going for lunch, was of great hesitation and releuctance..but I saw in his eyes a person who needed the company of a woman...who wasn`t going to judge..and I felt he needeed this time, and it may assist in my building a more accurate picture of his character for his defence.
His eyes were very telling and suggestive of a lonely and gentle person craving affection yet recieving anything but that throughout his life. Today I have not judged a person by the facts at hand to present a case but feel I have crossed the line and sensed something which cannot be easily put in his defence...nor used for his advantage..
A dilemma has been born.
At Tuesday, May 24, 2005 10:54:00 PM,
BlindSlim~CSTL said…
Wow...what a conundrum but I'm not sure if I completely understand the dilmena. Do you think he's guilty now or think he's innocent but have no way to prove it other than your gut feeling???
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